There are several websites added every day to different servers around the world. Every company that decides to go online will have a lot of decisions to make. They may be looking for the most economical package that they can find so they are going to be looking at shared web hosting.
First, there is the Shared Web Hosting UK. This type of hosting means a location is shared by many websites. All the websites in a shared server will share the resources such as space, bandwidth, IP address and so on.
Selecting a good domain name for your website can be tricky. While sometimes the domain name you want may be taken already, you will see that just a small change in the domain name can give you a much better and SEO friendly name for your website. So, before you apply for a domain name, you will have to decide the best domain name for your Shared Web Hosting UK.
Will they hold your domain to ransom when you come to transfer away? Can you be in full control of your domain at all times? Is the company just another reseller of a reseller of a reseller?!
Just because you have used Affordable Web Hosting doesn't mean it has to be poor quality hosting. There are lots of very good quality hosts available at very affordable prices. Also be aware of what comes as standard with your hosting and what comes as paid extras. Check that your potential host uses a popular control panel such as Cpanel. Some hosts use free panels and although they work fine, if the time comes when you have to move your website to a new host, control panels like Cpanel make the process a lot easier.
When this is the case, maintenance costs are also going to be an issue. Using a shared server, a lot of different places will share the same server so maintenance costs are going to be shared as well. This can greatly reduce the cost by a lot because every one of the companies that have a space on there will be paying a certain percentage of it based on the amount of disk space that they are using.
As you can see shared web hosting offers a myriad of options with minimal costs. A precursory search will provide ample hosts that offer reasonable prices for reliable service.